List templates

Last modified: March 06, 2024

This endpoint allows you to get a list of all your templates with metadata and preview links.

GET Endpoint

Looking for the v1 endpoint?

Example request

curl --location
     --request GET '' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: <API_KEY>' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


You can paginate the results by using the page and size query parameters.

pageintegerThe page number
sizeintegerThe number of results per page (max 50)

Sample response

    "identifier": "tall-panthers-sting-rudely-6345",
    "name": "Social Media Cover",
    "scaleFactor": 1.0,
    "outputFormat": "jpeg",
    "width": 1280,
    "height": 670,
    "createdBy": "John Doe",
    "editor": "canvas-html"
    "identifier": "dirty-dragonflies-chat-gladly-2623",
    "name": "Who is hiring?",
    "preview": "",
    "scaleFactor": 1.0,
    "outputFormat": "pdf",
    "width": 1024,
    "height": 1024,
    "createdBy": "John Doe",
    "editor": "canvas-editor"